AvenueHQ Clients' Sites

Website design / web development
AvenueHQ is a digital-marketing company for REALTORS® across Canada and the US, providing services such as personalized website design, automated social media, lead generating advertising, and etc..


5-8 hours per client
Website Design
Website Development
ux Tools
Program Tools
Sketch |Wordpress |HTML & CSS

My Responsibility

  • Helped our real estate clients building their online presence through creating websites and online banners
  • Designed the clients' website to reflect on their style and personality

During my time at AvenueHQ, I designed over 70+ sites, including non-live & live clients.

Website Layout

Before designing the website layout, I would start with looking at clients' submission form to get a sense of their brand & personality.

After that, I would combine assets such as the client's submission form, inspiration, & clients' branding assets (if any)onto my Sketch file.
My website design layout sample on Sketch
My another website design layout sample on Sketch

What I learned

  • It was time-efficient to work on high-fidelity mockup, instead of low-fidelity, due to the time constraint per website.
  • It was easier to visualize & strategize the website layout on both mockup & development side (HTML/CSS)

Web Development

Once the design was completed, I began to create the website's structure & wrote customized HTML/CSS in order to match with my design mockup.

Customized CSS

Final Looks (Live Sites)

These are some sample of live clients that I designed & developed.

Click the image to see the live site (https://familytreerealestate.com/)
Click the image to see the live site (https://monicaromey.com/)
Click the image to see the live site (https://keygroupaustin.com/)
Click the image to see the live site (https://midislandproperties.com/)
Click the image to see the live site (https://jaimemcclintock.com/)